
New Life Birth Services


I went to nursing school at the University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 1974 with a BSN in nursing. I began attending births while in nursing school and my home birth career began in 1974 when I helped found the Austin Lay Midwives Association (ALMA). I branched off from ALMA to start a school for midwives in 1980 and named my practice New Life Birth Services. New Life Birth Center was the first out-of-hospital (freestanding) birth center licensed to a non-doctor in the state of Texas. Throughout much of the ’80s and ’90s I worked with many other wonderful women to further midwives’ professional standards. I served as a board member, represented my state or region, and participated as a member in several different professional midwifery associations including the Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA) and North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) and the Association of Texas Midwives (ATM). In the early ’90s I served on the Board of Directors of MANA and ATM. At that time, MANA formed a separate body to research, write, and offer a national exam to test the empirical knowledge of midwives.

That separate body became known as the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). I participated in the process that established what is now known as NARM’s Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) process. I received my CPM credentials in 1992 and I also later became a Licensed Midwife (LM) in the state of Texas through the Texas State Health Department when licensing was first offered.

The birth center closed in 2013 for me to focus exclusively on home birth. Since 1972 I have attended over 3,000 births and more than 150 apprentices have been trained through the New Life Seminar and Apprentice Program.

I gave birth six times. My oldest child is now 55 and my youngest is 37. I had my first three births in the hospital and the last three at home. Two of my hospital births were transports from planned home births. I also have 6 beautiful grandchildren and was blessed to have been the midwife at all of their births.

“Midwifery is the art of holding space for a woman and her family during one of the most magical and transformational times of their lives.”

— Sister MorningStar




The New Life team includes the current apprentices who assist me in prenatal appointments, the birth, and postpartum visits. Here at New Life our team is focused on safety and providing outstanding care. We work to tailor our approach to each individual family and incorporate many doula type services during the birth. I also have great relationships with other Austin area midwives who, when needed, can be part of your birth team. Using a team approach allows us to offer more to our clients, increases safety, and facilitates us serving our clients to the highest degree. 


In 50 years the average complication rate has been approximately 10% with a 8% hospital transfer rate and a 6-7% C-section rate. On any given individual year these statistics vary. We know that births don't always go exactly as planned. In the case that a transport is needed, we have great relationships with the doctors at St. David's and other local hospitals. I always go with my clients to be an advocate and work to make your experience as close to your birth plan as possible.


  • Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from UT Austin | 1974

  • RN License | 1975

  • Certified Professional Midwife (NARM) | 1994-Current

  • Licensed Texas Midwife (Texas Department of Health) | 2005-Current

  • New Life Birth Center | 1980-2013

  • New Life Birth Services | 1980-Present

  • American Red Cross - CPR Certified instructor for 6 years, certified for 50 years

  • Association of Texas Midwives (ATM) - Board of Directors, Secretary, Regional Representative, Education Director, Lifetime Associate Member

  • Austin Childbirth Educators - Member; Program Director |1990-1991

  • Austin Lay Midwives Association - Founding Member, Midwife | 1974-1979

  • Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA) - Regional Representative | 1992-1997

  • North America Registry of Midwives (NARM) Certification Task Force - Texas Representative


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“Everything To Know About Being Pregnant, Healthy Pregnancy, Supplements, Hospital Vs Home Birth & Hospital BTS Ft. MariMikel Potter”