My services are built on the foundational commitment to a holistic approach of body, mind, and spirit. Information and education provided during the pregnancy focuses on The Sevenfold Approach to Birth, which includes Nutrition, Hydration, Movement, Emotional/Spiritual, Knowledge, Rest, and Joy. We work together throughout the pregnancy to encourage healthy eating, taking the right supplements, appropriate exercise, and learning about a wide variety of birth and postpartum topics. I am confident in my ability to meet your needs during this time of amazing transformation. I encourage you to contact me for more information on any of the services listed below and look forward to speaking with you soon!
This is a free 2 hour in-person meeting for currently pregnant women/couples who live in Austin and surrounding areas. This provides an opportunity to meet me at my clinic, learn about me and my services in greater detail, and ask questions. I offer this free consultation as a way to give to my community information as an offering of love without pressure to choose my services unless you feel confident in the fit.
Prenatal Care
2 hour initial visit including orientation, histories, and lab work.
2 hour physical
1 hour routine prenatal visits: Once a month, twice in the 8th month, and once a week in the 9th month including a home visit at 38 weeks
Childbirth Education Classes
Designed to connect the couple as a unit. There are seven one to two hour online video classes that cover Physiology and Anatomy, Breathing and Relaxation, Preparation for the Birth, What To Expect During Labor and Birth, Breastfeeding and Postpartum Information, Raising Children and Supporting the Family, a Review of the Classes and Sudden Childbirth. A significant portion of the classes focuses on preparing the partner. These classes are mandatory for my clients because being well informed and taking personal responsibility for the birth experience is an important part of a midwife attended birth. The information provided in the classes allows for a deeper understanding of my general approach to the birth process and procedures so that the couple can then tailor their birth plan to their exact desires and needs.
Labor and Birth Care
I come early in labor and my apprentices join us as needed. I have other midwives that can assist as well if we require additional support. Not only do we provide impeccable and safe midwifery care but we also incorporate doula type services throughout your labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum period. This includes careful monitoring of mother and baby, labor aid, guidance during pushing, and support of the partner and family. Many of our dad’s participate in catching the baby and we always delay cord clamping until the placenta is born. I am also a proponent and experienced in the use of water during labor for pain management as well as water birth.
Pricing: The Basic Fee for my services is on a sliding scale from $3,500-$7,000 and is determined by the client and intentionally flexible to accommodate everyone's financial needs. The basic fee includes all prenatal (including labs), labor and birth, and postpartum care. Additional fees are incurred for extra labs as well as two Rhogam shots for RH negative women. Payment plans are available and additional travel fees may apply. Cash, check, credit card, money orders, Zelle, Venmo, and barter accepted.
Postpartum Care
The team stays a few hours after the birth until everything is safe and clean. In the first three days I call my clients morning and evening and am available at any time as needed in between for support and to answer questions. I come for one to two hour postpartum home visits at 24-36 hours, at three to four days, and again five to ten days after the birth. Postpartum visits in the clinic happen at two weeks and six weeks. This care includes checking the mother and baby very thoroughly and barring any physical complications I encourage pediatrician appointments to begin after our last visit. Breastfeeding information and support is a big part of postpartum care. I nursed for 13 years and have assisted thousands of women in breastfeeding and am committed to supporting you throughout your breastfeeding journey as long as you need.
Conscious Conception Counseling
Preparation for pregnancy can happen at any point before you conceive and can aid you to set a foundation for optimal health for both you and your partner. This maximizes your chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby. Pre-conception counseling includes natural fertility enhancement, nutrition support, information on vitamins and exercise, health habits to develop, and can include a well woman exam as needed.
Well Women Care
Many women do not get regular well woman care because it can often be such an unpleasant experience. My goal is to change this experience to one that is comfortable, supportive, thorough, and informative. These services include a two hour visit where I conduct a full physical exam from head to toe including a pap smear and breast exam, anemia screening, and other lab work as needed. I also share in depth information on how to have a healthy life on all levels including not only the physical but the emotional and spiritual aspects as well.
Long Distance Consulting
After my appearance on The Skinny Confidential Him and Her Podcast I received scores of inquiries from all over the country and the world about working with people who lived outside of my service area. Although I am not able to attend births outside of my area I have found that I can still provide consulting services to support clients in having an optimal pregnancy and birth experience. This can include conception, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum information and support.
Listen to this Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast to learn more about New Life Birth Service’s Long Distance Counseling!